[1.8-1.20]Guard - Moderation 插件 / Staff 插件

Guard 插件文档


  • 中文名称 : Guard
  • 英文名称 : Guard
  • 插件来源 : 转载
  • 适用服务端 : Spigot
  • 插件类型 : 安全
  • 语言支持 : 英文
  • 适用版本 : 1.8.x - 1.20.x
  • 下载地址 : Spigot
  • 原贴地址 : Spigot


  • Vanish
  • Freeze
  • CPS
  • Random TP
  • SanctionSet
  • ChatColor
  • ChatLock
  • TP
  • NoClip
  • Inventory View
  • ModList
  • Xray LookUp
  • Player LookUp


language: en database: enable: false host: localhost port: 3306 name: minecraft user: root password: root sanction: mute: "ipmute %target% %duration% %reason%" ban: "ipban %target% %duration% %reason%" warn: "warn %target% %reason%" duration_permanant: "-1" commands: freeze: active: true name: ["freeze","fz","unfreeze","ufz","guard:freeze"] cps: active: true name: ["cps","guard:cps"] vanish: active: true name: ["vanish","mod","v","guard:vanish"] teleport: active: true name: ["tp","teleport","guard:tp"] teleporthere: active: true name: ["tph","teleporthere","tphere","guard:tph"] sanctionset: active: true name: ["ss","sanction","sanctionset","guard:ss"] noclip: active: true name: ["noclip","nc","guard:noclip"] chatcolor: active: true name: ["chatcolor","cc","guard:chatcolor"] inventory: active: true name: ["invsee","viewinv","viewinventory","inventorysee","guard:invsee"] modlist: active: true name: ["modlist","vanishlist","guard:modlist"] chatlock: active: true name: ["chatlock","cl","lock","clock","lockchat","guard:chatlock"] xray: active: true name: ["xray","xraylookup"] lookup: active: true name: ["lookup","guard:lookup"] cps_check: 10 automod: banned_word: ["gueule","pute","fdp","connard","tg","ez","nigger","salope","tgl","slp","tdc","pd","卐","hitler","adolf","batard","ntm","merde","negro","con","ftg","izi","cheh","stfu","fuck","porn","puta","dick","fck"] number_warn: 3


prefix: "&3&lGuard &8» " no_perm: "&cYou don't have permission." playernotfound: "&cPlayer not found." reloaded: "&aConfiguration have been reloaded successfully" commanddisable: "&cSorry but this command is disable." items: vanish_on: "&a&lVanish %v%" vanish_off: "&c&lVanish %x%" freeze: "&b&lFreeze" cps: "&7&lCPS" random_tp: "&6&lRandom TP" ss_book: "&c&lSS Book" parameters: "&4&lParameters" teleporter: "&b&lTeleporter" knockback: "&2&lKnockBack" chat_color: "&b&lChatColor" no_clip: "&7&lNoClip" inventory_view: "&6&lInventory View" commands: freeze: missargs: "&c/freeze <player>" activated: "&9%target% was frozen." desactivated: "&9%target% was unfreeze." disconnect: "&c%player% disconnected in freeze." cps: missargs: "&c/cps <player>" running: "&fCPS checker apply to &b%target%" format: "&9%target% &8> &b%left% &f| &b%right% &fcps." end: "&fAverage &b%target% &fcps &8> &b%left% &f| &b%right% &fcps." vanish: activated: "[ACTION][CHAT]&fVanish &aactivated" desactivated: "[ACTION][CHAT]&fVanish &cdesactivated" teleport: missargs: "&c/tp <player>" confirmation: "&fTeleportation to &9&l%target%" teleporthere: missargs: "&c/tph <player>" confirmation: "&fTeleportation of &9&l%target% &fto you." sanctionset: missargs: "&c/ss <player>" noclip: activated: "&fNoClip &aactivated" desactivated: "&fNoClip &cdesactivated" chatcolor: activated: "&fChatColor &aactivated" desactivated: "&fChatColor &cdesactivated" color: "&b" inventory: missargs: "&c/invsee <player>" modlist: format: - "&8&l&m------------------------------" - "&3&l        Guard ModList" - " " - "&8- &f%target% %value%" - "&8&l&m------------------------------" chatlock: activated: "&fThe chat has been &clocked&f." desactivated: "&fThe chat has been &aunlock&f." lock_message: "&cSorry but the chat is currently locked." lookup: message: - "&8&l&m------------------------------" - "&3&l        Guard LookUP" - "" - "&fName&8: &b%target%" - "&fUUID&8: &b%uuid%" - "&fPremium&8: &b%premium%" - "&fCreate At&8: &b%date%"

